Sunday, Aug. 27: Breaking down that amazing day

They arrived at Westminster before the sun did. The crew of elders, dedicated volunteers, and staff members had one mission: Make the church’s This Amazing Place celebration a hit. And their efforts paid off.

About 220 people turned out for breakfast, an opportunity to learn more about Westminster’s ministries, and a combined worship service featuring the chancel choir and the worship band.

“It just created so much energy,” says Scott Neely, Director of Mission and Community Connection. “Being in community was kind of a boost.”

The idea for This Amazing Place originated with Susan Horton, a member of the Connections Committee. A larger team embraced the idea and ran with it. Westminster was looking to offer a new fall gathering this year — a day that would celebrate the feeling of a full church community and all community entails. “It was a chance to share what we do,” Neely says. “And we wanted it all in one place.”

Breakfast in the freshly painted Fellowship Hall was just the beginning. “The kitchen crew was fantastic,” says one chef, Scott Stevens. “It’s so much fun when a group of folks come in early on a Sunday and roll up their sleeves to cook for our big, beautiful church family. We have decided to do it every Sunday. Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself, but it was a terrific success.”

‘Passports’ guided the crowd through the building in small groups. Each group visited eight stations staffed by elders who spoke about Westminster ministries ranging from adult formation to youth and children’s activities, to mission trips, to music. The Connections Committee used the opportunity to show off the cozy new Connection Cove in the Fellowship Hall. The space boasts a comfy sofa, a coffeemaker, padded chairs, and tables; it is designed primarily for use on Sunday mornings.

The morning culminated in a worship service that melded Westminster’s contemporary and traditional services. Kids brought their backpacks to the front for a blessing as they headed into a new school year. The children, unlike their parents, couldn’t imbibe coffee, but a backpack blessing was a fitting way to gear up for a busy fall. 

Breakfast Breakdown

400 eggs

30 lbs of Neese’s Sausage

350 biscuits

12 Pineapples

5 crates of blueberries

5 crates of strawberries

12 lbs of red grapes

17 gallons of OJ

5 gallons of milk

8 lbs of grits

15 gallons of coffee 

We were short on eggs.

We overshot on fruit, grits, and OJ.

There is NEVER enough coffee! 

(courtesy of Scott Stevens)