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Faith Formation 

Cornerstone Class
Sundays | 10am | Room 203
Facilitators | Wilson Davis, Jim Gale, and Craig Siler

You are invited to join a new study with the Cornerstone Class of author Philip Yancey's classic Christian best-seller, What's So Amazing About Grace?  The 10-week study also includes video material each session. In his book, Yancey offers compelling portraits of grace's life-changing power. He searches for it in his own life, in the church and in our lives as well. As God's love to others, he asks, what does grace look like in action--and how are we doing at sharing it with others? Facilitators will be Jim Gale, Wilson Davis and Craig Siler. Contact Wilson Davis (336-370-6568) in advance to order a book.

The Gathering | Parents of Children and Younger Youth
Sundays | 10am | Room 103 â€‹

This group of parents and younger youth and children meets weekly for fellowship and study.

PEEPS | Parents Exploring and Engaging in Practical Faith & Service 
Sundays | 10am | Room 101​

This group of parents of older youth and young adults meets weekly for fellowship and study.  We will complete the Advent study, The Light That Guides Us and then continue with On Our Way series from The Work of the People.

Sunday Conversations
Chapel | 10am

In parallel with the sermon series and the Tuesday evening Deeper Dive in ‘25, the Sunday morning faith formation in the Chapel will also be looking at the Beatitudes. Drawing from the Howell book (The Beatitudes for Today) along with other resources, we will explore each week a different element of these fundamental invitations to live out our faith.  Please join us as you are able.

Gateway Class 
9am, Meets by Zoom

This class is open to all ages and is currently studying lectionary scripture passages from Feasting on the Word. Led by Mary Eagle, Dave Lumpkin, and John Robinson

Women's Studies

2nd Tuesdays, 7pm | Library
2nd Wednesdays, 10am | Fellowship Hall

Join one of our women’s circles which meet September-May for fellowship and study using Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation.   Books available in the church office for $10. 

Thirsty Thursday Study
Thursdays, 9:30am | Room 203​

This group will explore Revelation by Jen Wilkin, a 10 week video/discussion study.

S’mores Bible Study
Thursdays, 9:30am | Room 201

The S’Mores group will begin an 8-week Bible Study on Thursday, January 9th.  It is entitled “Trusting In Christ" and is a part of the Jesus Always study series.

Explorers of Faith Bible Study
11am | Zoom | Contact Julie Van Wyk or Daphne Haverkamp​

The Explorers of Faith will begin The Call: The Life and Message of the Apostle Paul by Adam Hamilton on Thursday, January 23.

Other Studies

Tuesday Morning Book Study

This class will begin to study the book, Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel by Elias Chacour on January 7. We meet every Tuesday at 7:00 AM on Zoom, with one exception: on the first Tuesday of each month, we gather in person at 7:30 AM (January 7!) in Room 203 and on Zoom. For more information for upcoming studies. contact Lita Swanson (

Ministry of Spiritual Practice


The Ministry of Spiritual Practice is intentionally inclusive, inviting all seekers into community to cultivate deeper listening that enables and supports the inward and outward journeys of transformation. Participants value hard questions and together risk saying “we do not know” so that the Spirit might re-make us. 


Grounded in the Spirit, participants actively join in the whole life of the Westminster community and move out into the world with generous hearts and minds. 

Fellowship & Fitness

Dad Life

Third Tuesday of the Month (during the school year), 7-8:30pm | Locations Vary


We meet for fellowship and conversation around issues facing fathers and how our faith can inform our responses to those issues—both how we invest in our faith and how we live out our faith. It’s an opportunity to build community, to share and glean best practices, and to be both vulnerable and encouraging. Contact Sam Perkins with any questions.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Weekly Group | Wednesdays, 6-7pm | Library
Monthly Group | Second Wednesdays, 9-10am | Library


Weekly and monthly groups meet to knit prayer shawls for those who need them. New knitters at all skill levels are welcome!

Men's Softball

Thursday Evenings | Carolyn Allen Park, 3610 Drawbridge Pkwy.


Games begin in late March and run through mid-Jun. If you’re interested in joining the team, contact Jim Wilkie or Sam Perkins. Cost is $60 per person, and all players must be 18 years or older.


Wednesdays, 5:30pm | Back Parking Lot


We offer easy entry to play for those less familiar. If you're interested in joining the group, just come on a Wednesday night or contact Janet Hurd (336-430-8218) or Catherine Morsell (336-905-4788) for more information.


Fitness Sampler

Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30pm-6:30pm | Fellowship Hall


Instruction includes aerobics, yoga, zumba, circuit, toning, pilates and stretch. Cost $20 per person per month (includes all classes). For more information/class schedule, email Patty Kostedt:


Tuesdays, 9:30am and 5:30pm and Saturdays, 9:30am | Fellowship Hall


These classes are beginner appropriate with a strong focus on healthy alignment allowing for the development of strength, flexibility, and resilience in both body and mind. Instructors: Amy Day (Saturdays) | Anne Hoffman (Tuesdays)


Learn more here.

Walking Group

Fourth Saturday of the Month, 8am | Lewis Recreation Center parking lot at Country Park (3110 Forest Lawn Dr.)


This group is open to everyone who would like to connect with others in a way that is laidback with a little wellness thrown in there. We meet in the Lewis Recreation Center parking lot at Country Park (3110 Forest Lawn Dr.).  Parking lot is just to the left of the recreation center.  We tend to walk 4 miles, which flies by when having conversations. The walk meanders through both Country Park and Battleground Park on the greenway. Walk at your own pace. We tend to have donuts and coffee at times at the end.

Mom Life

Second Wednesday of the Month (during the school year) 7pm


Moms of young children (loose definition of "young") are invited to come together to build relationships, rest, share, support and live in fellowship with one another. Come join us! Contact Sam Perkins for more information.

Care & Support


There are many ways we care for one another at Westminster. From grief and visitation groups, our cancer care ministry, our bereavement care team, and homebound communion service, if you need support your Westminster community wants to be there for you.

For all care and support opportunities, visit this page.


Creation Care

Creation Care.jpg

As people of faith, informed by scripture and inspired by the Holy Spirt, we believe stewardship of creation is a spiritual and moral imperative as well as a practical one. We seek to honor and care for God’s creation in all aspects of our church life, including worship, education, outreach, fellowship, and care of our facilities. We will encourage, educate and support our members’ efforts to live sustainably. We are currently working towards Earth Care designation.

Find out more by contacting Frannie Motley.

Micah Connection

Justice & Advocacy
Third Thursdays | 12pm | Church Library​

Micah Connection is a group of people members who are exploring what it means to “act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)

Begun in 2014 as a discussion group on topics related to race relations, the group has expanded its focus to include other justice issues. Seeking to follow Jesus and be part of healing God’s world, Micah meets regularly as a small group engaging in learning, relationship-building, advocacy, and action.

Micah also partners with the Adult Ministry and other committees to offer church-wide educational and advocacy opportunities as appropriate. In this way, Micah seeks to fulfill one of our denomination’s Great Ends of the Church, the “promotion of social righteousness.”

Micah Connection business meetings are at 12pm on third Thursdays in the church library. We welcome anyone with an interest in our mission.

Latest offerings can be found on this page or by visiting our Upcoming Events.

We invite you to learn more about Micah Connection by contacting Nancy Dezan.

Adult Staff

Sam Perkins


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