Offering safe spaces, through programming and activities, where youth can explore their faith (or doubts), establish deep friendships, and serve the community

Milestones of Faith
Westminster’s Milestones of Faith for youth provide a meaningful journey of faith formation from sixth through twelfth grade. Each year builds on the next, guiding youth to deepen their understanding of Christian teachings, reflect on their identity in Christ, and actively live out their faith.
From exploring the 10 Commandments and the Apostles’ Creed in middle school to Confirmation, spiritual disciplines, and preparing for life after high school, these milestones create opportunities for growth, service, and reflection. Supported by a community of peers, mentors, and church members, youth are encouraged to develop a faith that will carry them through every stage of life.
Sixth Grade - 10 Commandments
Seventh Grade - The Apostles Creed
Eighth Grade - Identity and Baptism
Ninth Grade - Confirmation
Tenth Grade - Outreach & Service
Eleventh Grade - Spiritual Disciplines
Twelfth Grade - SO (Seniors Only) What's Next?​

Marking Moments, Growing Faith, & Building Community

Faith Formation
Sundays, 10am | Room 100​
All youth, grades 6-12, gather in Room 100 for refreshments before breaking out into Middle School and High School groups. Our format for Sunday mornings is easy and engaging – we touch base using what we call Joy, Junk, and Jesus; this encourages youth to share something good that happened during the previous week, something not so great, and a moment where they feel they saw Jesus at work in the world. We then use d365 which is a daily devotion written for youth – Pause, Listen, Think, Pray, Go.

WYFi Youth Group (Westminster Youth Fellowship Inc)
Every Sunday (except the first Sunday of the month), 5:30-7:30 – Room 100
We start the evening with games and team building exercises and then share a meal. Then we break out into age-appropriate groups and finish the evening with some conversation around Biblical practices and principles, and how to develop and live out our love and faith using the PCUSA curriculum, Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living.
West Greensboro Youth Collective (YoCo)
In an effort to bring youth together to grow deeper roots of faith and community, we have partnered with eight other Presbyterian congregations in the Greensboro area – the Greensboro Youth Collective. On the first Sunday of each month we will gather at a different church (locations and addresses will be in Westminster’s weekly Enews) for games, a meal, and a short worship time together. The churches participating in YOCO are: Alamance Presbyterian, Community in Christ Presbyterian, Fellowship Presbyterian, First Presbyterian, Guilford Park Presbyterian, Jamestown Presbyterian, St. James Presbyterian, and Westminster Presbyterian.​

Youth Band
Sundays, 12pm-1pm • Sanctuary
Westminster’s Youth Band is open to sixth through 12th graders and is comprised of singers, guitar, bass, drums/percussion, and keyboard/piano.
Questions? Contact Clint Whitlow.

Twice a year, the youth serve breakfast at Weaver House (a ministry of Greensboro Urban Ministry).
Periodically, the youth also serve at Peacehaven Farm, the Out of the Garden Project, Backpack Beginnings, and Church Under the Bridge.
Each summer, the youth go on a week-long mission trip.

Upcoming Events
- Sun, Feb 23Greensboro
- Register by February 23Asheville
- Register by February 23Montreat