Micah Connection is a group of people who are exploring what it means to “act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)
Begun in 2014 as a discussion group on topics related to race relations, the group has expanded its focus to include other justice issues. Seeking to follow Jesus and be part of healing God’s world, Micah meets regularly as a small group engaging in learning, relationship-building, advocacy, and action.
Micah also partners with the Adult Ministry and other committees to offer church-wide educational and advocacy opportunities as appropriate. In this way, Micah seeks to fulfill one of our denomination’s Great Ends of the Church, the “promotion of social righteousness.”
Micah Connection business meetings are at 12pm on third Thursdays in the church library. We welcome anyone with an interest in our mission.
We invite you to learn more about Micah Connection by contacting Sam Perkins, Melinda Billings, or Ann Comfort.