December 4
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalms 13:5 (NIV)
The birth of Christ is the basis of God’s unconditional Love which leads us to endless rejoicing. In this psalm, King David is seeking the Lord and asks God to look favorably on him and give Light to his eyes. David, and we in Faith, can be assured that God’s Love is demonstrated by the gift of His Son. God’s Love is merciful and unmerited, yet he gives us what we do not deserve. Not only do we have Faith in Jesus, we need Jesus’ Faith in us.
This is God’s gift of salvation as we begin a new life, a new direction in our lives. The gift of salvation saves us from the consequences of Sin and then reconciliation leads to our oneness with God. Jesus leads us to God so we can closely follow his Ways and Will.
Even in difficult times, we can rejoice in Hope that does not fail us because God’s Love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who will also be given to us.
Prayer: During this Advent season give us pause to look and discover the Love and many blessings God creates for us. Christ’s birth ushers in a belief that he is our Lord and Savior and we will trust, obey, and honor Him all of our lives. Amen.
Craig Siler