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The Wonders of God's Praise

December 3


I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart.  I will tell of your wonders. 

Psalm 9:1 NIV


How do I praise God in my ordinary life?  What does this look like? I think it is being intentional about noticing where God shows up. Being on the lookout for the many things in each day for which to be thankful and consciously expressing them is praising God.  Being aware of and responding to the nudges to do simple things like write a note, make a phone call, visit someone, listen more attentively to whomever I am with, encouraging someone. . . . .these are a few of the ways to praise God.  By noticing, responding, engaging in those minute prayers of “thank you” and “please help” bring the Spirit into my days. Remembering and reflecting during the day, reminding myself of Spirit’s nearness, pausing to breathe…..these all help me and remind me of my intention.  


God often shows up for me first thing in the morning during my quiet time.  The words of scripture or a meditation that resonate with me or an inner knowing bring gratitude and praise.  Often through other people, Nature, my cats, being at Westminster, enjoying family and friends, remembering a scripture or the words to a song all bring a sense of wonder at the many ways “we are known, we are loved, we are not alone.”


These are my intentions, and I often fall short.  But life is a journey that is made fuller and richer by our praises to God and our wonder at the lives we have been given.  The ways we live our lives are the ways we praise God, right?


Prayer:   Holy Presence, Thank you our many blessings.  May we bless you through offering you praise and for being aware of and expressing the many wonders that are all around us. Help us to notice your presence held in that promise that You are with us always. Amen.


Frannie Motley





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