December 12
Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.
Psalm 29: 1-2 (NIV)
Years back I first laid eyes on this painting at a homeless day shelter in Charlotte while on a youth mission trip. It was hung on a wall in the shelter’s art studio - a space set aside for those struggling with homelessness to find respite through the creative process. Not having ever had the pleasure of meeting the artist of this painting, I continue to wonder what he was thinking and feeling when he was choosing the colors while he slowly changed an otherwise boring, blank canvas into such a masterpiece of wonder. Was he fully breathing in God’s grace and mercy? Could he feel God’s arms gently squeezing around him while whispering in his ear, “I love you my child. You are a gift. You are my masterpiece.”
I like to think so.
Whether through writing a song, molding clay into an object, designing a garden or a deck, rebuilding an antique car, or slapping some colorful paint onto a blank canvas, the creative process is God’s playground where God welcomes us to let go and be fully present in awe and wonder.
Thankfully, I was able to purchase this painting (money went directly back to the artist) and it lives in my office at the church on the wall directly across from the doorway. Come take a look and be ready to answer the question: How does this masterpiece speak to you?
Prayer: Gracious and creative God, to you be all the glory and strength. You continue to welcome us into your playground to be present with you, yet we tend to pay more attention to our to-do lists rather than to your invitation. During this time of advent, I long to fully breathe in your grace and mercy into my lungs. I long to feel your embracing arms holding me tightly as a gentle reminder that you only create masterpieces. Amen.
Scott Neely