December 20
When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them. ”Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!
Psalm 126: 1-3 (NLT)
Choose JOY!
My sister, Jane, is taking counseling classes and called me recently to ask if I had ever heard of the term, “Unconditional Positive Regard” or UPR. The term is credited to Carl Rogers, a humanistic psychologist who started a therapy revolution by validating his clients’ feelings and offering a supportive atmosphere that was built on a foundation of human connection. The premise is to have compassion and acceptance toward others as the key to helping them, not shaming or punishing people for their thoughts and actions. UPR differs from unconditional love in that there need not be actual feelings of warmth and affection behind the attitude. It builds connections, walls of negativity and judgment are torn down, it promotes a union of respect and trust and can shift relationships for the better, which ultimately leads to healing.
UPR means setting aside personal opinions to connect believing everyone has value. You don’t need to like someone; you just need to believe that they are worthy of acceptance and respect. Seeing others in a completely different light takes time, patience, and practice but sounds a lot like what Jesus taught while he was on this earth, love God, love self, love neighbor. Choose to see people in a different light, and the world becomes a completely different place. Maybe even joy-filled. The Lord has done amazing things for us and challenges us do amazing things for others. Choose JOY.
Prayer: Wonder-full God, we are grateful for the many ways you bring joy, laughter, and understanding into our lives. Please help us value each person in our lives the way you value all people. When we cannot get out of our own way, humble us and remind us that you love us, faults and all and call us to do the same for all humankind. Amen.
Lucy Jefferies