Affordable Housing
Westminster has a long history of working to provide safe, affordable housing. For more than 25 years, we've continued work alongside Habitat for Humanity of Greensboro and Community Housing Solutions, building homes and water cisterns for communities in Mexico, working on infrastructure projects (home accessibility, building bathrooms, etc.) in the Dominican Republic, and improving homes in the mountains of Virginia through Appalachia Service Project. Yet the need continues - especially in our immediate communities.
Did you know...
In Greensboro, the poverty rate increased from 7.8% in 2021 to 12.4% in 2022. Poverty is defined by more than 50% of disposable income needed to cover the cost of housing. Needs such as medical care, healthy food options, and adequate childcare are crowded out, just to have a roof over their heads.
In Greensboro, a salary of $32,400 ($15.58/hour) is needed in order to afford a studio apartment.
In 2020, there was a shortage of 4,100 housing units for households earning $30,000 or less. That shortage is projected to increase to 11,000 by the year 2030*
* Statistics are found in Cone health's 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment and City of Greensboro's Housing and Neighborhood Development report.
Capital Campaign
After a successful capital campaign, Westminster received additional substantial undesignated gifts to be used at the discretion of the Session on significant projects that fulfill our mission of celebrating grace, following Jesus, and healing God's world. Through an ongoing process of discernment, Westminster found we are in a position to leverage our strength to meet the ongoing needs of children and their families who currently live in transitional housing to move into stable, affordable housing with appropriate supportive relationships.
Overall Goal:
To increase access to permanent housing for children and their families by working with local partners to create and maintain affordable housing and by supporting families through meaningful relationships and financial support. As a means to meet this overall goal, Westminster has created, and established partnerships with the following:
How big is the church?Our church congregation consists of about 1200 members, plus a lot of regular visitors too. While by definition we’re considered a large church, we have a small church feel on Sunday mornings. Because we offer two Sunday services (and online live stream options for both), we hope nobody feels overwhelmed by the size.
Who goes to your church?Anyone and everyone! We welcome anyone who wants to walk through our doors. We are very much an intergenerational congregation, and we consider ourselves a “big tent” church - we see differences among us as a way for us to learn and grow together.
What should I wear?Whatever you feel comfortable wearing. You will see everything from shorts and flip-flops to suits and ties. The most important thing to us is your presence, not your presentation. As a whole, the congregation tends to be more business casual than Sunday formal - but you’ll see just about everything.
If interested in getting involved with any of the above initiatives, we’d love to have you! Please contact Scott Neely, Director of Mission and Community Engagement for more information.
Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build house and live in them; plant gardens and eat what they produce...But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.
JEREMIAH 29: 4-7